Friday, 20 November 2015

Moanings of a working mum

Most of the time I feel pretty lucky about my work situation. I've re-trained and carved out a business for myself which I do mostly from home around the needs of the children. I also work 2 days in an office which I've managed to negotiate so that I start super early whilst the husband drops off the children, and I finish in time to pick them up from school. Compared to many situations this is the best of both worlds.

Yet at this time of the year there is a huge increase in the number of events and activities in my children's calendar, and my anxiety about not being there for them also increases.

In the coming weeks there is the pre-school nativity play, the school nativity play, the pre-school Christmas party, the school Christmas fair, plus a random inset day and end of term early finish. Aside from the school play which has an evening showing, all of these events occur on one of my two working days of the week. I have no annual leave left, and apparently I didn't have the foresight to save some for these activities. The children will have a mixture of Daddy looking after them and no parents turning up at all. Who knew that children had such hectic schedules?!?

So I ease my guilt with rationalisations. At least I am there to pick them up from school each day. At least I'm there at the weekends to spend time with them. They can see a positive example by having a working mum (not to imply at all that those working very hard running a household each day are offering anything less than a wonderful example too), theoretically we should have more money for holidays and days out (I say theoretically because we never seem to have any spare money!),

I negotiate and deal to get extra hours and days off. If I can wrangle the childcare and work late on this day, could I go in late after I've watched the nativity play? Can I appeal to my boss for yet another child-related activity which needs my attention?

To cheer us up here are 5 of the great things about going to work:
1) I can drink a hot cup of coffee
2) I can go to the toilet alone
3) I can spread out my work all over my desk and focus on a task without interruption
4) There are 7 whole hours when no one yells 'Mummmmmmyyyyyyyyyy'
5) It turns out that underneath all of the foggy, chaotic, mum of three madness there is a person with a brain that still functions. To some extent.

Sending big love to all the mums and dads out there who are working hard at home and in the office to be there for their children xxx

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