Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Potty Training Nightmares

Many of you will have successfully taught a child how to use the potty or the toilet. I have done it as well, once. For my second attempt things seem a little trickier...

My middle child turned 3 last week, and so that prompted further encouragement to ditch those nappies and put on 'big boy' pants. We have tried many times in the past to get him to potty train but he has such a dislike that we've backed off for a while. But now that he is 3 we can't leave it much longer.

He is very keen on wearing the proper pants and not having nappies, but he is yet to do anything in the potty or toilet. We play endless games of dollies pretending to wee on the potty, read stories, attempt bribery with chocolate, but nothing is working.

My next step will be just to take the nappies away and let him have some little 'accidents'. Hopefully that will do the trick!

Send me all your tips and suggestions please...

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

How much are you in control of your kids?

This is a fairly typical scene at our home. Luckily all 3 children love playing together, and at the moment all 3 seem to love having a bit of rough play. Despite all my ideals of my children being harmonious peace-loving creatures, they do seem to have a need to tumble around and get some energy out. So far it is all good natured and they also enjoy playing softer games.

This morning my almost 3 year old said "I don't want any more cuddles, I just want to sit down" to his 5 year old sister. He had tolerated a few minutes of being kissed and cuddled and told he was loved, but enough was enough.

How much should we manage their play? I am watching them a lot of the time, but I'm trying to refrain from hovering over them and stepping in at every little thing. (More often I'm hovering over them with my phone camera!) If anything unkind is said then I do dispense discipline, but if they are all happily playing then I have been leaving them to it.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you are managing your children's energy and getting on with the school holidays! x