Monday, 29 April 2013

Choose your battles - teaching good behaviour

Like every parent, I face daily battles with my children to get them to display good behaviour. Regular skirmishes include sitting at the table, eating vegetables, putting on jumpers and coats, and going to bed on time.

My son who has just turned 2 is transitioning out of having a midday nap. So he often falls asleep at 3 or 4pm and then we cant get him to sleep at bedtime.

It can be really challenging to be consistent in offering discipline. Ensuring a consistent routine takes care of most of the food and sleep issues (easier said than done!) but what about behaviour to others? Our 4 year old daughter can sometimes shout or speak in an inappropriate tone of voice, but she is most likely learning that from the way we talk to her. My husband and I are trying to practice speaking more calmly and giving the consistent punishment of a 'time out' rather than shouting or being too cross with her.

We are trying to use the language of the virtues in order to explain what kind of behaviour we would like to see. For example saying 'You need to use your patience at the moment' or 'Please show kindness to your brother'.

Most of the time I feel like I'm totally overwhelmed and incoherent as a mother, but I hope that's a sign that I'm trying my best!

I'd love to hear your stories of parenting challenges and victories. Thanks for reading :-)

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Back to work... end of year accounts

Last month I wrote about the 10 reasons I love working from home . This month I've had no time for writing because I've been preparing our end of year accounts. I guess that is the down side to running your own business :-)

As our business (Serenity Baby selling maternity clothes and baby products) has evolved from a small side project into a full time gig for my husband and I, our method of working has evolved gradually, and accounting has been one of the last things to catch up. We've recently requested the services of a local accountant and she has really helped us see what we should be counting and why.

Over the past few weeks I've been grappling with the accounting programme Sage and finally feel that I've mastered the basics! I now know illuminating things such as: a) our business is profitable! b) nominal codes are a source of joy c) you need to add your stock value into your calculations (oops..) and d) what a journal is (OK I still dont know that, but now I can use one)

Write and let me know your self-employed year end traumas...

Nothing to do with accounting... just love the cute pic of my eldest and youngest!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Exmouth Beach and Fun Park

For a sunny day in the Easter holidays the family headed to Exmouth beach. It was still a chilly 8 or 9 degrees and quite windy, but you can't beat sand, a bucket and spade for little kids. We spent the afternoon at Exmouth because as well as being a naturally beautiful place it also has a Fun Park which the children enjoy (

Exmouth fun park has a load of different activities. You buy tokens from the kiosk (50p each) and most things cost 2 or 3 tokens per child.

There are trampolines, small motorcars, pedal boats, a bouncy castle, a little train ride, an adventure playground and much more. The kiosk sells snacks, drinks and ice creams and there are about 3 other cafes within a few minutes walk.

We spent loads of lovely days out at Exmouth last summer and are looking forward to the good weather returning properly so we can have more fun at the beach. All in all, it's an ideal place for our kids - currently aged 5 months to 4 years.